
Five Benefits of Load Boards that Make Them Worth It


For freight loaders, load boards happen to be the perfect service they can hope for. Load boards have many advantages, as they can reduce the challenges of matching carriers to shippers who want loads to be transported. If you have a freight loading business, then with a load board you can browse loads as well as place bids on them, or even go for the fixed price for loads that shippers have placed.

Advantages of load boards

Load boards, also referred as freight boards sometimes is a digital or online marketplace which is used by shippers, truck owners and operators and freight brokers. They post as well as search for loads online.

As this online marketplace can be accessed from phones and other devices, it is incredibly useful.

All types of freight related information is uploaded on the load boards, such as types of load, destinations, delivery dates, truck types, loading equipment and so on. If a shipper and a freight broker or truck owner/operator reach at an agreement on rates, then both of them are notified and they can start working together. 

1. Low cost or free sign up

freight mover

You don’t have to shell out big bucks to avail of this vast online database. Many load boards offer free sign up, or an affordable monthly fee with which you can grow your business. Shippers can also post their requirements and find a lot of options for freight movers. 

2. Real time information

As shipments are posted real time, and updated constantly, so you can have instant access to business which matches services you offer. This can be highly advantageous for your business, as your trucks need not be sitting empty. 

3. Set up alerts

Setting up alerts is also possible as you can decide the kind of work you are looking for, for example a business you would like to work with (transport their goods), or according to the routes that you ply or maybe a alerts from preferred clients.

Alerts save you the time you would otherwise spend on browsing hundreds of posts every day. Shippers can get notified when their favorite freight trucks are free. 

4. Grow your business

large network of drivers

If you are a freight broker, then you can have access to a large network of drivers, whose routes match the destinations of your shipments. And choose the routes that are more lucrative as well as going to places where you want to, if you operate a truck.

You have the choice to choose a route which will bring you back home to your family, and you can post your truck information online, such capacity to haul refrigerated goods, max weight allowance and so on.

Many freight brokers who tie up with shippers such as Walmart or Amazon are in constant need of transportation. Load boards give them a supply of drivers to choose from, and they would contact them after they post their load. 

5. Competitive prices

As there is a larger supply of drivers, then the pricing becomes quite competitive, as well as the quality of service. Your pricing policy can be optimized as you can charge your clients a lower price too, especially for clients who want to ship to a destination closer to them.

The drivers are aware of the rates being paid for different routes, and therefore can take an informed decision regarding the rates they post. So, a broker or shipper cannot ask for very low rates and a truck owner cannot post rates that are too high. Both parties can thus negotiate on a fair rate.

Shippers and truckers can build up a lasting relationship for the benefit of both with the help of load boards. Getting signed on a load board opens up opportunities for new business.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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